
I just opened an account with Pixnet. I am not so used to it and feel like Pixnet is not so user-friendly in terms of use. When I signed up the account I did not pay much attention to the terms whatsoever. Hopefully, I won't get too much info from Pixnet cluttered up my e-mail inbox. It is such a peaceful night. I watched a meaningful video on Youtube and wrote down part of the powerful speech. I would like to share it.

"Sometimes in life, when you fall down you feels like you don't have enough strength to get back up.
Do you think you have hope?
Because I am telling you I am down here, face down, and I have no arms, no legs.
It should be impossible for me to get back up, but it is not.
I will try a hundred times to get up.
If I failed a hundred times…
If I failed and I gave up, do you think I’d ever gonna get up? No.
But if I failed, I tried again, and again, and again.
But I just want you to know it is not the end.
No matter how you will finish.
Are you going to finish strong? You would find that strength to get back up. "



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