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  • Dec 10 Thu 2009 03:36
  • X'mas



nikkiwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

今天是 Second Business Law Exam~

雖然之前都沒認真看書 可是我今天很認真地看了4個chapters

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沒有和朋友去看小豬的演唱會 在哪個賭城?我也不知道

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我這裡的下午兩點多 東半球那裏淩晨2點多的時候

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突然閒, 有點失落


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我覺得自己最近很懶散 生活又失去了重心


nikkiwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I just finished a phone interview. It just lasted for 10 munities.  How come? Because I screwed it up.

nikkiwu 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

I just opened an account with Pixnet. I am not so used to it and feel like Pixnet is not so user-friendly in terms of use. When I signed up the account I did not pay much attention to the terms whatsoever. Hopefully, I won't get too much info from Pixnet cluttered up my e-mail inbox. It is such a peaceful night. I watched a meaningful video on Youtube and wrote down part of the powerful speech. I would like to share it.

"Sometimes in life, when you fall down you feels like you don't have enough strength to get back up.

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